The Importance of Horseware

Horse riding can be taken up by any enthusiast who enjoy the leisure element, admire the true beauty of horses or use them for competitions and events. Irrespective of the number of horses they acquire, owners must provide adequate living and exercise conditions and environments to suit their natural instincts and habitat. Providing a horse with the correct treatment not only maintains and improves the quality of their mane and body strength, but ensures they are not affected by conditions inside or outside of their stable.

Although horses may appear to be sturdy animals that can handle all elements and conditions, they are affected by changes in climate and weather in the same way people are. It is therefore important to ensure horses receive the same level of cover and protection as people gain from wearing adequate clothing.
Horseware can be applied to the entire body or facial area during the summer and winter months to combat against both extremities. The former generally provides the highest temperatures across the United Kingdom which elevates the amount of sweat and moisture lost during exercise.

Cheap horse rugs should be fitted straight after exercise to remove moisture from the coat, whilst also maintaining a healthy body temperature and allow a horse to feel comfortable. They can also be applied when transporting a horse to and from the stables to protect the body from any scrapes or bumps in the trailer. The breathable fleece materials used to manufacture cheap horse rugs are integral to provide adequate protection without making a horse feel trapped or unable to receive an element of air ventilation.

Horse rugs are also effective from protection against insect bites which can affect a horse’s happiness and overall condition. This is particularly important whilst outside of a stable when roaming or used in training exercises as horses become more susceptible to biting insects.

Wearing horseware is particularly important during the winter months or periods of adverse weather conditions as horses require warmth and protection from the cold elements. All rugs are manufactured to be not only waterproof, but also thermal to ensure heat is trapped inside to keep a horse nicely warm. Owners can continue to ride their horse whilst it wears a rug as they are non-restrictive to body movements and the legs to ensure a horse can move freely and enjoy exercise, whilst remaining warm and protected.

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