Typical costs of a wood burner

Recently, wood burners have increased in popularity in homes throughout the UK. Ideal in both a traditional setting and more modern interiors, not only can they create a wonderful atmosphere, they can also save money.

With rising fuel bills a long-term future, being able to cut back on energy bills is warming in itself. The fact that this can be done with a real wood burning stove is even better. Before buying though, understanding the costs involved from the initial purchase to necessary stove spares is important.

Wood burning stove prices

Typically, a good burner will cost from £600 to £700. Prices rise if a back boiler for water is included too. However, the main cost will come from a professional HETAS installation – recommended, which will be around £1,500.

Wood prices

Prices of good quality hardwood vary across the country, but a typical price would be around £100 for 1m³. Though its lifespan will depend on how often the burner is used, a metre cube of wood should last a regular household about three to nine weeks over the winter.

Alternatively, wood pellets can be bought. These are better for the environment, emitting less soot, and can also be more affordable. However, any wood is far kinder to the planet than fossil fuels.

Wood burner spares prices

The price of spare parts varies considerably, depending on the manufacturer of the stove and the part itself. For example, glass clips will cost just a couple of pounds, a side brick about £20, whilst a replacement glass panel will cost between £30 and £50. Using a reputable supplier of spares is always recommended too.

Buying and running a wood burning stove is very affordable and offers great satisfaction. With the Energy Saving Trust stating that around 10% could be sliced from annual energy bills too, the satisfaction just keeps getting better.

to find out more go to www.woodburner-spares.co.uk