How DRM Helps OTT Platforms In Protecting Content Material

In order to tackle the issue of piracy, producers in regions with a high incidence of it install client-side watermarking on their products.

Producers in regions with a high rate of piracy employ client-side watermarking as a way for locating the persons responsible for the theft of their work. This allows the producers to get their work back from the pirates who stole it. This paves the way for the producers to reclaim their misappropriated intellectual property.

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When it comes to protecting the content that they make and disseminate, those who develop the content and those who distribute it almost invariably turn to forensic watermarking solutions. [Creators of material and distributors of that content]

This can be partially explained by the rise in the consumption of streaming content, which in turn has led to an increase in the number of instances of content theft.

[The chain of causation] Digital rights management provides one layer of protection for the content, while watermarking solutions provide an extra degree of security on top of that (DRM).

Attacks on the user level that are intended to steal content are made more difficult to carry out as a result of this measure.

The process of watermarking can be carried out in a number of different ways, including on the end of the client, on the end of the server, or through the implementation of a “hybrid approach.”

Pirates will target client devices rather than the distributors themselves in the vast majority of cases when they launch an attack on a network.

These kinds of activities typically take place in nations where there is a lax attitude toward the enforcement of laws protecting intellectual property rights.

This tactic is utilised relatively frequently by client-side piracy, which is one of the primary reasons why it is considered to be one of the most popular strategies.

In these regions, the sharing of unlawful materials is a popular and widespread practise. Some common illegal distribution methods include simulcasting and cam-recording, amongst other practises.

With the assistance of client-side video watermarking, users who violate the rights of copyright owners can be more easily identified. This enables copyright owners to take the necessary legal action against repeat offenders and other users who breach their rights. Client-side video watermarking also enables users to be more easily identified.

As a direct consequence of this, those who are legally entitled to exercise their copyrights can do so in a manner that is more efficient.

Client-side watermarking is utilised by OTT providers for DRM-protected content material because of its low cost and ease of deployment over a large range of devices, including older set-top boxes. Additionally, it is simple to deploy across a wide variety of devices.

This is because over-the-top (OTT) service providers use it in their operations. This is because client-side watermarking does not require the installation of any supplemental software, which is the explanation for this result. In other words, this is the reason why this occurred.

When you add a watermark to a video using client-side watermarking, the information that you embed into the video asset itself is specific to the individual user who added the watermark.

This information is inaccessible to any other users and may only be viewed on the device that the user is using themselves.

The creation of a watermarked version of the content is made possible via the utilisation of a client-specific secret that is one of a kind and distinctive to each individual client device.

It is necessary to have this client-specific key in order to decrypt the content, add a personalised watermark to the content, and generate a version of the content that contains the watermark.

In order to generate a version of the content that has a watermark, these two procedures are required to be completed.

Each frame has the capability of having information for client-side watermarking inserted into it, and this does not in any way interfere with the viewing experience. Each frame also has the capability of having information for server-side watermarking injected into it.

To get the very best results possible, it is highly recommended that a reliable digital rights management (DRM) solution be used in conjunction with client-side video watermarking. This is the only way to ensure that your videos are protected.

This will ensure that the watermarking accomplishes the goal that was set for it and provide a guarantee of its success.

Studios and OTT platforms that are based in areas with a high level of piracy rely on client-side watermarking in order to identify and track down repeat offenders in their respective piracy networks. This is accomplished by marking pirated content with a unique identifier that can only be read by the client.

Because there is a substantial degree of interest in the kind of content that is supplied during live events, this method is productive.

Studios can, within a matter of minutes, obtain assistance from a forensic watermarking vendor who is able to assist them in extracting client-side watermarking and sharing user information with them. This service is available to the studios at no additional cost.

This can be done in a more efficient fashion if you follow these steps.

About Charles Michel

Charles Michel is the the editor of Blog and Go who helps people around the globe in finding the best information.

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