Eye Lash Growth

The rate at which eye lash growth happens varies from person to person. On average a new eyelash takes at least 4 weeks to grow. However, some people can grow them in as little as 2 weeks other people take up to 8 weeks to grow a lash.

Eye lash growth is something few people give a 2nd thought to until, that is, they have a problem and they begin to notice that their eyelashes are thinning.

Reasons for Slow Eye Lash Growth

There are several reasons why eyelash growth may slow down. The most common reason is Mother Nature as we age the growth of all kinds of hair slows down considerably. For most people this is not a problem, but for some women, and a few men, the rate of eyelash growth slows down to the point where it does not keep up with the rate of eyelash shedding. In this situation their eyelashes begin to thin and they can even appear to have no eyelashes at all.

The other main cause of eyelash loss is chemotherapy or other medications. Stress is another factor. Fortunately, there are several simple ways to improve the appearance of your eyelashes.

Treatments for Slow Eye Lash Growth

If you have recently changed the mascara you use on your eyelashes changing back to your old brand may help. Eyelash hair is sensitive to chemicals, so a slowdown in growth could mean that your new product does not agree with you.

You can buy a product that promotes eyelash growth, but whether they work or not depends on many factors. Start by trying the simple technique of brushing small quantities of olive oil into your lashes using an old mascara brush that has been cleaned. Do not overdo it and be careful not to get any in your eyes.

The simplest and most reliable solution for slow eye lash growth is to buy and use false eyelashes. Applying them is much easier than many people think and there are plenty available on the market. Start off by buying a fine set and buy longer thicker sets until you find a set that you like.