Expanding Businesses May Not Need Extra Service Staff

As customer-facing businesses expand and the number of customers needing help increases, the obvious solution is to employ a higher level of staff to deal with such demand. However, there are plenty of other options open to those that need to deal with high levels of customers and automation may make it easier for both customers and staff to make the most of their time.

For instance, those that need to deal with customers in the hospitality trade are likely to find that offering customers a paging system rather than forcing them to join a queue is a far more effective way of dealing with high demand and simultaneously keeping customers happy. Such systems allow individuals to take away a small device and these devices will then flash or beep when it is that customer’s turn to be dealt with.

For example, in the case of hotels or restaurants, customers can simply go off and enjoy a drink in the bar or even enjoy the local scenery should it be a nice, warm summer’s day, whilst those waiting to be allocated a caravan for their camping trip may well be able to spend the time they would otherwise have been queuing familiarising themselves with the site and the facilities.

In turn, customer services staff will not feel pressured to try and finish with each customer as quickly as possible and will therefore offer a far better level of service, again vastly increasing customer satisfaction. And with the cost of such pagers likely to be even less than even a couple of week’s wages for a new member of staff, the savings that are made could even be put back into the facilities available to customers, further increasing their satisfaction with their experience, and all without you having to train up a single extra person to help you deal with your increased demand.