Designing Your Direct Marketing Literature

Direct mail services may have once looked as though they were becoming a thing of the past – an archaic and almost nostalgic link to the days before the internet, when paper was king and the potential of digital information was the thing of science fiction.

However, the potential of direct mail goes far beyond simply allowing people to see what you have to offer and, instead, what may have once seemed to be outdated and ineffectual is now being seen to be the saviour of many small to medium sized businesses.

Ultimately, internet advertising may well seem cheap, but whilst emails may well be free to send in small numbers, in huge quantities, businesses may well have to start paying, and even then there is a good chance that the majority of recipients will delete the email before they have even opened it. Furthermore, some email providers will delete large group emails before they even reach the intended inbox, and therefore people may never even get the chance to open them at all.

With banner ads being both expensive and ineffectual, many people are realising just how much more impact direct mail can have, and just how cheap it can be when one uses the right mailing services.

However, design will be key, and understanding how to make the most of direct marketing campaigns could mean the difference between a very cost-effective campaign and one that is a waste of time.

The most important thing to do is to ensure that your business’s personality shines through. If your business appears dull and uninspiring, few people will take the chance to find out more. However, if you show that your business has some personality people will connect with you instantly.

Ensure that you get to the point quickly, but that you don’t miss out vital information for the sake of brevity. Furthermore, your font will be very important, and doing some research into which fonts are the best for evoking which emotions could make a far bigger difference than many people realise.

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