Change direction thanks to maritime training

In a world of heightened tensions there’s a greater need than ever before for qualified security personnel. While people who work in this industry have core skills that they can use in a variety of situations, they need to adapt to each new environment that they work in. Their base knowledge is a great starting point. The rest can be acquired through specialist training courses.

Working at sea is appealing for a number of different reasons. Workers who spend the majority of time on board tankers and container ships are not considered eligible to pay tax in the UK. It’s also a great chance to travel and see something of the world and right now there’s plenty of demand for people with the right skills.

Shipping is an important industry. Things like oil and consumer goods need to be transported from country to country, continent to continent. Sometimes ships have to pass through more unstable parts of the world. Here crews can be exposed to all manner of hazards. The threat from modern day pirates is very real.

It’s vitally important to have specially trained security personnel on board. When ships enter potentially dangerous waters it’s their vigilance that helps to protect against potential threats. Should a situation turn hostile then they have the skills and expertise to defend the vessel and her crew thanks to the dedicated maritime training that they have received.

The first step in signing up for a new career in this field is signing up for the requisite safety training with a specialist provider of recognised courses. A thorough grounding in maritime basics coupled with a qualification helps reassure prospective employers that someone is ready to work in this kind of environment.

It’s an interesting career change, a great opportunity for ex-forces personnel or others with a security background to put their skills to good use in an exciting and varied environment.

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